Wednesday, June 4, 2008

About Acne Treatment

By :Elinor Welbeck
Just about everyone has acne at some time in their lives. This common skin complaint has left a lot of people seeking an effective acne treatment that can be used by a wide variety of people. Pimples are not selective; they tend to appear on anybody and in any place. This gives researchers a worthwhile goal in finding the ideal acne treatment. Something which must be considered is the intention behind the skin clearing strategy. There are various approaches for acne treatment, each with a specific purpose in mind. The typical main purposes behind acne treatments are to clear the skin from lesions and breakouts and to prevent acne scars. These are the most fundamental motives for finding an appropriate approach. The first intention of clearing breakouts and lesions from the skin is maybe the more widespread motive behind discovering an effective acne treatment. One rule of thumb is to only wash the affected area twice each day. Aggressive washing can irritate the skin and make the condition worse. Many doctors suggest a medication applied directly to the affected area. There are a number of topical medications offered as acne treatment. These products exfoliate the skin. The upper layer of skin is often covered with dead cells that can block the pores. When the skin is exfoliated, the dead layer of skin is washed away, leaving a fresh new layer that is less likely to obstruct. The topical acne treatment is also designed to remove oils and bacteria that are present in pimples. The topical medicine pulls the dirt and oil out of the pores, helping the affected area to improve swiftly. These medications are also effective in diminishing inflammation associated with many acne breakouts. The reduction of redness and swelling makes the pimples less noticeable. After the skin is cleared, a lot of people find themselves carrying around a few scars. Another purpose for acne treatment is to stop or even heal acne scarring. Because acne scars frequently vary in significance, the approaches vary as well. Some are quite simple while others are quite invasive. The individual chooses which acne treatment is best suited, according to the severity of the scarring. Dermabrasion is an example of a relatively simple method for treating shallow scars. The skin is massaged with a rotating brush that smooths the surface scars. The chemical peel is an acne treatment that removes scars using chemicals that remove the scarred skin. More invasive strategies include scar excisions that remove the scar and pull the healthy skin together, and also punch grafting. Punch grafting involves removing the scar with a surgical hole-punch. The open plug where the scar originally was is filled with a plug of new skin. Hopefully, an acne treatment will be designed that will eliminate the requirement for surgical approaches to acne scar removal, but for now these are very necessary for those suffering from acne scars.

About The Author
Elinor Welbeck is the proprietor of Acne Scar Treatment Details Available is a wide range of articles, reliable resources and helpful information. Visit: