Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cystic Acne Treatment

By : Amit Aqar
Dermatologists are clear that the most severe form of acne a person can get is cystic acne. It can also be one of the most unattractive, as it possibly leads to permanent scarring. Knowing this, it's important that you have a plan of attack for fighting the skin condition. But how do you do so? What cystic acne treatment works best?
First, understand that for a serious acne condition, you should not develop your strategy solely from the recommendations of a web site. You need to consult a dermatologist. She is able to prescribe the best method of treatment to help fight cystic acne.
Usually, your dermatologist will prescribe a medicine called isotretinoin (brand name of Accutane). Isotretinoin, an oral drug, is usually prescribed for a period of four to six months. You take it once or twice a day. The pill's function is to shrink the oil glands' size. This results in less oil being produced and also a decrease in the growth of bacteria. Thousands of patients have reported that after using isotretinoin a few months, their cystic acne cleared permanently.
We should caution you, however, that there are some serous side effects associated with isotretinoin. These include severe depression (in a few reported cases, even to the point of suicidal thoughts).
Some dermatologists will recommend the use of oral antibiotics in the fight against cystic acne. They work by reducing certain bacteria, which cause the inflammation to be reduced. Oral antibiotics which are often prescribed include tetracycline, doxycycline, or erythromycin.
Another medicine sometimes prescribed -- for women -- are oral contraceptives. Remember that cystic acne results when the body's sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, which clogs the pores. However, a few oral contraceptives actually reduce the amount of sebum that the body produces. Keep in mind that many times, a dermatologist will only prescribe this treatment in conjunction with the woman's gynecologist.
One other cystic acne treatment that is sometimes prescribed is the injection of corticosteroid. With this option, the doctor actually injects a steroid into the cyst. This reduces the acne significantly in a period of usually less than a week. As a side benefit, it also reduces the likelihood of scarring, because it works by drying the acne rather than bursting it.
If you feel you have cystic acne, please discuss these options with your doctor and dermatologist. And remember, never use any Web site medical information in place of competent medical advice.

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