Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hydrogen peroxide Acne Treatment-More Than Just A Peroxide Blonde Effect

By : J Jones
Hydrogen peroxide acne treatment is considered by many acne sufferers as a means of clearing their problem areas. When you think of hydrogen peroxide, you tend to think of peroxide blonde hair ... the possibility of it treating acne doesn't spring to mind. In order to determine whether you want to try this remedy it's best to understand what it can do. So, how exactly does hydrogen peroxide work for acne?
Hydrogen peroxide has been used as an antiseptic and anti-bacterial agent for many years due to its oxidizing effect. Oxidation is the interaction between oxygen molecules and all the different substances they may contact. It works on treating acne because bacteria hates oxygen and hydrogen peroxide is made of H2O2, basically water with one extra oxygen part. Killing off the bacteria prevents infection which could lead to further break outs.
The free oxygen essentially acts as a healing agent because it can send oxygen deep down into the pores to help fight the source of acne.
Hydrogen peroxide can be purchased on its own but many acne products contain it as part of their ingredients. Obviously the concentration will differ depending on the product you use so you should check this before you make a purchase. Everyone is different so they only way you'll know if it will help is to give it a test yourself.
You may be aware that many people find the topical application of honey or honey based products to be beneficial in clearing their acne. One of the reasons that this is so is because hydrogen peroxide is present in honey and is activated by dilution.
Discover more about honey treatments for acne as well as the increased benefits of Manuka honey acne at
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